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Diseases and pests in cannabis cultivation: identifying and combating them

Hey grower! Diseases and pests can have a significant impact on growing cannabis plants. In this article, you'll learn about common diseases and pests that can affect your plants and how to identify and combat them. We'll introduce you to both natural and chemical control methods to keep your plants healthy and strong.

Common diseases and pests

Spider mites


  • Fine, spider web-like structures on the undersides of leaves and stems.
  • Yellow or bronze spots on the leaves.

Natural control:

  • Use ladybirds and predatory mites that eat spider mites.
  • Spray neem oil on the affected plants.

Chemical control:

  • Use acaricides (insecticides against spider mites).



  • Small, green, black or white insects on the undersides of leaves.
  • Sticky deposits (honeydew) on the leaves and stems.

Natural control:

  • Introduce ladybirds and lacewing larvae.
  • Spray garlic or nettle broth on the plants.

Chemical control:

  • Use insecticidal soaps or pyrethrum sprays.

Powdery mildew


  • White, powdery coating on the leaves and flowers.
  • Distorted and discolored leaves.

Natural control:

  • Spray milk-water mixture (1 part milk, 9 parts water) on the affected plants.
  • Use sulfur preparations.

Chemical control:

  • Use fungicides such as myclobutanil or triforine.

Botrytis (grey mould)


  • Gray, fluffy mold on the flowers and leaves.
  • Discolored and mushy flowers.

Natural control:

  • Ensure good ventilation and air circulation in the growing room.
  • Remove and dispose of affected plant parts immediately.

Chemical control:

  • Use fungicides such as captan or chlorothalonil.



  • Silver or bronze stripes on the leaves.
  • Small, black droppings on the undersides of the leaves.

Natural control:

  • Introduce predatory mites and lacewing larvae.
  • Spray neem oil or insecticidal soaps on the plants.

Chemical control:

  • Use insecticides such as spinosad or imidacloprid.

Natural and chemical control methods

Natural control methods:

  • Biological pest controllers: Use beneficial insects such as ladybirds, predatory mites and lacewing larvae to control pests naturally.
  • Neem oil: An organic insecticide effective against a wide range of pests. It has both repellent and killing properties.
  • Home remedies: Solutions made from garlic, nettles or milk can help fight diseases and pests.
  • Environmental control: Ensure good ventilation, proper humidity and cleanliness to prevent disease.

Chemical control methods:

  • insecticides: Products such as pyrethrum, spinosad and imidacloprid are effective against various pests. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
  • Fungicides: Myclobutanil, captan and chlorothalonil are examples of chemical fungicides that are effective against fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and gray mold.
  • Acaricides: Special insecticides against spider mites, such as Avid or Floramite, can be used when natural methods are not sufficient.


Detecting and controlling diseases and pests is crucial to successfully growing cannabis. Use a combination of natural and chemical methods to protect your plants and keep them healthy. Regular inspection and maintenance are key to identifying and correcting problems early. Visit The Weezelto find the best seeds and accessories for your grow.

Happy Growing! 🌿💪

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