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Produced and maintained by

Owner: Fabian Koßmehl
Amthausstrasse 1
DE-HE | 35428 Langgöns

Email address: [email protected]
Telephone number: +49 6403 696 87 90

Responsible for content: Fabian Koßmehl, address as above.

Our identification numbers

VAT identification number DE 330 817 574
LUCID registration number DE 144 274 929 00 04
The green dot 562 61 61

Complaints / Dispute Resolution

According to EU Regulation No. 524/2013 and based on EU Directive 2013/11, we as an online provider are obliged to refer our customers to the European Commission's online dispute settlement platform. The OS platform can be reached via the following Internet address: this context, we are legally obliged to inform you of our email address. This is: [email protected]. We will endeavour to resolve any differences of opinion arising from our contract amicably. However, we are not obliged or willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.

Other Information

Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

All data, images and graphics are subject to copyright. Subject to changes and errors. On some of our pages we use images from the following image agencies:,,,,, On some pages we use images that were generated by artificial intelligence and do not represent reality.

This website is operated by fourteen Vierzeh – We write brand stories.
Copyright 2020 – 2024 Fabian Koßmehl & THE WEEZEL. All rights reserved.
Further publication of content and images only with written consent from THE WEEZEL Vertrieb
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Our offer is aimed at people who are at least 18 years old.


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The WEEZEL bonus program

With the WEEZEL bonus program, you collect tokens that you can convert into shop credit. So that you don't have to start with an empty account, we'll give you your first tokens for free.

50 Taler Welcome Bonus

As soon as you have successfully registered for our bonus program, you will receive 50 Taler welcome money credited to your account.


Sobald Du Dich erfolgreich für unseren Newsletter angemeldet hast, erhältst Du Deinen 10 EURO voucher* für den WEEZEL Shop per E-Mail. Das entspricht ganzen 100 Talern!

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* From a minimum order value of € 49, valid for 30 days from receipt.

Deine Bonus-Taler warten

In Deinem persönlichen Kundenkonto findest Du auch einen Link-Generator. Wenn Du WEEZEL mit diesem Link an Deine Freunde und Verwandte empfiehlst, kannst Du einfach ein paar Taler kassieren. Außerdem hast Du die Möglichkeit, unterschiedliche Aufgaben zu erfüllen, wie bspw. Produkte bewerten oder im Rang aufsteigen, um Taler zu erhalten.

The following apply: participation- and privacy-Regulations. Participation is only permitted for persons aged 18 and over.

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