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Competition rules

General conditions of participation for competitions and raffles

Table of Contents

Event and organizer

These terms and conditions apply to competitions organized by Fabian Koßmehl The Weezel Sales, Amthausstr. 1, 35428 Langgöns. Participation in the competition (print and online) is possible according to the following conditions.

Eligibility to participate

Only persons over the age of 18 and permanent residence in the Federal Republic of Germany are eligible to participate.

Employees of the organizer and their parent or subsidiary companies and agencies, licensees and their agencies as well as other persons directly involved in the conception and implementation of this competition, as well as family members and household members of all persons listed above, are not eligible to participate.


People who have not yet reached the age of 18 (minors under 18 years of age) are not allowed to take part in competitions. Prizes will not be distributed to minors under the age of 18.


By participating in the competition, the person taking part declares that they agree to these conditions of participation. The resolutions of the organizer in all matters related to this competition are final and binding.

In the event of a dispute or disagreement about participation, the rightful owner of the email address used for registration, participation or registration is deemed to be the participant. The potential winners can be asked to provide the organizer with proof that they are the legal owner or lose their right to the prize.

The participant is responsible for the correctness of his or her data, in particular the e-mail and / or postal address. Participations with invalid / incomplete data, for example non-working or inactive e-mail addresses, will be disqualified.

You can participate by text message (SMS or WhatsApp), registering a user account, subscribing to the free newsletter, evaluating a product, evaluating our web shop, posting on Instagram, by e-mail or by filling out a form. How exactly you can take part in the competition is stated in the text accompanying the respective competition. Unless explicitly stated in the competition call, participation is not limited to our customers and does not depend on the purchase of a product or service.

Participation via text message (SMS)

If you participate via SMS, you will be charged the costs shown by your telephone provider for these connections! We do not charge any fees for participating in the competition.

To participate via SMS, send us a short message/SMS to the number provided. The recorded time of receipt of the SMS by us is the time for determining whether the SMS was received on time.

SMS messages received after the end of the competition will not be considered. No refunds will be made. We are not responsible for delays in SMS processing/forwarding by the network operators and are not liable for any damage resulting from such delays.

Participation via text message (WhatsApp)

If you participate via WhatsApp, your telephone provider will incur the costs shown for these connections! We do not charge any costs for participating in the competition.

To participate via WhatsApp, send us a short message / WhatsApp to the specified phone number. The recorded time of receipt of the message by us applies to the timeliness of the receipt of the message.

Messages received after the competition has ended will not be considered. The costs will not be reimbursed. We are not responsible for delays in message processing / forwarding on the part of the network operator and are not liable for damage resulting from such delays.

Participation by registering a user account

If you participate by registering a user account, your internet provider will incur the costs shown for these connections! We do not charge any costs for participating in the competition.

To participate by registering a user account, you set it up in our shop free and non-binding user account. For the timeliness of the registration of the user account, the logged time of activation of the user account with us applies. You can have your user account and your information stored with us deleted at any time. If your cancellation takes place during the competition period, your participation in the competition will be declared invalid.

User accounts created after the competition has ended will not be taken into account. The costs will not be reimbursed. We are not responsible for delays in processing / forwarding inquiries on the part of the network operator and our web host and are not liable for any damage resulting from such delays.

Participation by registering for the newsletter

If you participate by registering for the newsletter, your internet provider will incur the costs shown for these connections! We do not charge any costs for participating in the competition.

To participate by registering for Newsletter, you register with our with a valid e-mail address and your first name free and non-binding Newsletter to. The confirmation of the so-called double opt-in mail is decisive for participation in the competition. We will automatically send you this email after we have received your registration for the newsletter. In this email you will find a link to confirm your registration. You can only take part in the raffle by clicking on this link. For the timeliness of registration for the newsletter, the logged time of activation of the newsletter subscription with our newsletter partner sendinblue applies. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. If your cancellation takes place during the competition period, your participation in the competition will be declared invalid.

Registrations for the newsletter received after the end of the competition will not be considered. The costs will not be reimbursed. We are not responsible for delays in processing / forwarding inquiries on the part of the network operator, our web host and our newsletter provider and are not liable for damage resulting from such delays.

Participation by rating a product

If you participate by rating a product, you will be charged the costs shown for these connections by your internet provider! We do not charge any fees for participating in the competition.

To participate by rating a product, you must have already purchased a product from our shop with a registered user account. Only ratings from "verified buyers" can be considered for the competition.

To participate, you must log in with your user account register at Then send us your product review. Please note that this review must comply with our guidelines for product reviews by customers and be truthful. We only process appropriate, honest and unbiased comments. Every comment received is checked. Contributions that contain personal data, insults, swear words, inappropriate wording, racist, discriminatory or other comments that are contrary to social customs are generally not published by us.

Each review counts as one entry. If you have purchased and reviewed several products, you have a corresponding number of entries. This means that if you buy 3 products and review 2 of them, your name will be entered twice. It is irrelevant to participation whether you have kept the purchased product or service or returned/cancelled it. It is also irrelevant whether you rate the product positively or negatively. The number of points or the text of your review has no influence on your chances of winning.

To participate, register in your user account and call up the product you want to rate. On the product details page, scroll down to the Reviews section and leave your rating here, specifying stars and text. The time recorded for the rating on our site is what counts for the timeliness of the rating of a product or service.

Reviews submitted after the end of the competition will not be considered. No refunds will be made. We are not responsible for delays in processing/forwarding requests by the network operators and our web host and are not liable for any damages resulting from such delays.

Teilnahme per Bewertung des Webshops & Einkaufs

If you participate by rating the webshop and making a purchase, you will be charged the costs shown for these connections by your internet provider! We do not charge any costs for participating in the competition.

To participate by rating a product, you must have already purchased the product from our shop. Only ratings from "verified buyers" can be considered for the competition.

If you have received a review link from us, you do not need a user account with shopvote! Follow the link in the email and the instructions contained therein.
If you have not received a review link from us, you must log in with your user account Register at Then submit your shop review to our rating profile.

Please note that this review Shopvote Customer Review Guidelines and must correspond to the truth. Only appropriate, honest and unbiased reviews are processed. Every evaluation received is checked. Please also read the Shopvote's privacy policy during your registration. It is irrelevant for participation whether you have kept our shop or the service or returned/cancelled it. It is also irrelevant whether you rate the shop or the service positively or negatively. The score or the text of your rating has no influence on your chances of winning. The recorded time of the rating at applies to the timeliness of the rating of a product or service.

Reviews submitted after the end of the competition will not be considered. No refunds will be made. We are not responsible for delays in processing/forwarding requests on the part of the network operators, and our web host, and are not liable for any damages resulting from such delays.

Participation by email or filling out a form

If you participate by email or by filling out a form, you will be charged the costs shown for these connections by your internet provider! We do not charge any fees for participating in the competition.

To participate by email, send us an email to the email address provided in the competition announcement with the content and subject stated in the competition announcement. Only emails that are correctly filled out and sent can participate in the competition.

To participate by filling out a form, fill out the relevant competition form. Please make sure to fill in all mandatory fields. Only correctly completed and submitted forms can participate in the competition. Filling out or providing optional fields/information has no influence on your chances of winning.

The recorded time of receipt of the email by us is the time for participation via email. The recorded time of submission of the form on our website is the time for participation via form.

Messages received after the end of the competition will not be considered. No refunds will be made. We are not responsible for delays in processing/forwarding requests by the network operators, our web host and your email provider and are not liable for any damages resulting from such delays.

Participation via social media post

If you participate via comment on social media, the costs shown for these connections are incurred by your Internet or telephone provider! We do not charge any costs for participating in the competition.

To participate via social media post, upload a picture or video to your social media account on which our products are clearly visible. You mark this picture with #weezelblower and tag our account @realweezelThe recorded time of receipt of the post on the social platform is used to determine whether the post was received on time. Posts that contain personal data, insults, swear words, inappropriate wording, racist, discriminatory or other content that goes against social customs will be excluded from the competition.

The competition is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or other companies. The contact person and person responsible is Fabian Koßmehl, The Weezel Sales.

Entries received after the end of the competition will not be considered. No refunds will be made. We are not responsible for delays in processing/forwarding requests by network operators, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok or other companies and are not liable for any damages resulting from such delays.

Participation via Instagram post like, link / mention

If you participate by post-like or link/mention (mentioning a friend or person via “@”) on social media, your internet or telephone provider will charge you the costs shown for these connections! We do not charge any fees for participating in the competition.

To participate by liking an Instagram post, you must "like" a picture or video on our Instagram account and follow our corresponding profile on Instagram. In individual cases, you must also leave a comment, a link, or both, or share a post in your "story" and link us to it. Please note the information on how to participate shared in the post. The recorded time of receipt of the post on Instagram applies to the timeliness of receipt of the like, comment, or mention. Posts that contain personal data, insults, swear words, inappropriate wording, racist, discriminatory, or other content that goes against social customs will be excluded from the competition.

The competition is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by Instagram. The contact person and person responsible is Fabian Koßmehl, The Weezel Sales.

Contributions received after the end of the competition will not be taken into account. The costs will not be reimbursed. We are not responsible for delays in processing / forwarding inquiries on the part of the network operator or Instagram and are not liable for damage resulting from such delays.

Implementation and processing

Within 10 days of the end of the competition, the winning person (s) will be randomly selected by lottery from all eligible participants in the period specified in the Participation section. In order to be able to take part in the draw, registration must have taken place within the specified period.

The winning person will be notified in writing by the organizer by email or post. The winning person must respond to the notification within 14 days, otherwise entitlement to the prize will be forfeited. In this case, the organizer reserves the right to determine a new person to win by lot.

The prizes presented in the competition may differ in terms of color, model, technical equipment, etc., but are always of comparable value and equipment. The prizes are non-exchangeable, non-transferable, cash payment is not possible and no other prizes can be selected as replacements. Non-cash prizes will be sent free of charge by the organizer or a third party commissioned by it by parcel service or post to the postal address provided by the winner. Any additional costs such as customs duties or the like must be agreed upon by the winner.

1. a prize or a prize notification cannot be delivered or
2. the winning person rejects the prize,

that winning person will be disqualified. In this case, the organizer reserves the right to determine a new person to win by lot.

The chance of winning a prize depends on the number of eligible entries for the draw.

Description of prices

The competitions "Subscription to the free newsletter", "Rating a product" and "Rating our online shop" are currently not running until further notice. In each of these competitions, qualified participants can win a 50 euro voucher for the Weezel online shop.

The exact prices of the other competitions will be announced in the call for the competition.

Terms and Conditions

The organizer reserves the right, at its own discretion, to end the competition at any time without prior notice. The organizer has this option in particular if, for technical or legal reasons, the proper implementation of the competition cannot be guaranteed. In this case, the organizer reserves the right to raffle the prize among those eligible to participate who have been received up to the time of cancellation.

The organizer also reserves the right to exclude people from participation at its own discretion:

  1. in the event of manipulation in connection with access to or implementation of the competition,
  2. in the event of violations of these conditions of participation,
  3. in the event of dishonest behavior or
  4. in the event of false or misleading information in connection with participation in this competition.

Any attempt by a person to interfere with the lawful course of the competition, for example by using technical aids, may constitute a violation of criminal or civil laws. If such an attempt is made by a person, the organizer reserves the right to take legal action to claim damages, as well as to withdraw and reclaim winnings. The non-enforcement of a provision contained in these official conditions of participation does not constitute a waiver by the organizer of compliance with this provision.


The participant agrees that the organizer may save all data required to carry out the competition for the duration of the competition. In the event of a win, the organizer reserves the right to add the first name and surname (shortened to the first letter) of the winning person or the specified user name and place of residence on the homepage, in the newsletter or on social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). The participant can object to the publication at any time after notification of the prize by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to the organizer's data specified below in this section. The organizer will inform the participant of the right of objection separately in the notification of the prize.

The organizer has partially transferred services that are necessary for the implementation and handling of the competition to third parties ("cooperation partners"). The data of the participating persons will be saved by the cooperation partner (s) for the implementation and handling of the competition for the duration of the competition. All data will be deleted after the competition has ended and has been carried out.

By participating in this competition, the person taking part agrees that his or her data may be processed by third parties for the purposes mentioned, in particular transmitted by the organizer to third parties.

The participating persons can revoke the consent given to the processing of their data at any time. With the revocation, the participating person withdraws from his or her participation in the competition. Furthermore, the participant has the right to information guaranteed by the Federal Data Protection Act and - provided the legal requirements for this are met (cf. § 35 BDSG) - to correction, blocking and deletion with regard to the data collected.

The rights mentioned are to be exercised by sending a message to:

Fabian Koßmehl
Amthausstr. 1
35428 Langgöns

The organizer undertakes to protect the privacy of the participants and ensures that the data will be processed in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act, the Telemedia Act and the European Data Protection Directive (95/46 / EC) and the EU Data Protection Directive for Electronic Communication 02/58 / EC. In this context, in particular, the General data protection provisions referenced by the organizer.


With the fulfillment or handover of the prize to the participant, the organizer is released from all obligations, provided that, depending on the type of competition, the organizer has a legally binding obligation towards the participant.

Warranty claims for prizes made available by cooperation partners for the competition are only to be asserted against them.

The organizer is liable in the event of malice, intent or gross negligence in accordance with the statutory provisions. Damage caused by the organizer through simple negligence will only be compensated if it is a breach of an essential obligation, non-compliance with which endangers the achievement of the purpose of the contract and / or the fulfillment of which enables the competition to be carried out properly and the fulfillment of which the participant may regularly trust (cardinal obligation).

The organizer assumes no liability for the bankruptcy of a cooperation partner, as well as for the consequences resulting from this for the implementation and handling of the competition. Resolutions of the organizer in all matters related to the respective competition are final and binding. The organizer reserves the right to correct misprints or mechanical errors.

He also assumes no responsibility for lost, damaged, illegible, incomplete or late registrations, regardless of whether these are due to delays in transport or incompleteness due to system errors. Furthermore, the organizer assumes no responsibility for not received or incomplete registrations due to circumstances of force majeure, such as traffic jams, unauthorized interventions by third parties, malfunctions of computer or telecommunication systems or incorrect or failed recording of incoming data transmissions. Proof of transmission does not count as proof of receipt by the organizer. The winning person is responsible for all applicable taxes, duties and fees that are not set out in these terms and conditions.

Sweepstakes period

The competitions "Subscription to the free newsletter", "Rating a product" and "Rating our online shop" are currently not running until further notice. In each of these competitions, qualified participants can win a 50 euro voucher for the Weezel online shop.

For all other competitions, we will state the exact competition period in the call for the competition.


The judges' decision is final. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany is exclusively applicable to the exclusion of the referral provisions of international private law. In the event that the person making the purchase is a consumer, this only applies to the extent that the protection granted by mandatory provisions of the law of the state in which the consumer has his or her habitual residence is not withdrawn. Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining conditions of participation.

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I have the Data protection and the Conditions of participation read and agree to them.

Password Recovery

Lost your password? Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.

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Are you of legal age yet?

Our offer is aimed at people who are at least 18 years old.


Get up to 150 Taler

The WEEZEL bonus program

With the WEEZEL bonus program, you collect tokens that you can convert into shop credit. So that you don't have to start with an empty account, we'll give you your first tokens for free.

50 Taler Welcome Bonus

As soon as you have successfully registered for our bonus program, you will receive 50 Taler welcome money credited to your account.

newsletter registration

Once you have successfully registered for our newsletter, you will receive your 10 EURO voucher* for the WEEZEL Shop by email. That's equivalent to 100 thalers!

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Optional information
Newsletter opt-in

* From a minimum order value of € 49, valid for 30 days from receipt.

Your bonus tokens are waiting

You will also find a link generator in your personal customer account. If you recommend WEEZEL to your friends and relatives using this link, you can easily collect a few tokens. You also have the option of completing various tasks, such as rating products or climbing the ranks, to receive tokens.

The following apply: participation- and privacy-Regulations. Participation is only permitted for persons aged 18 and over.

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