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Basic knowledge about cannabis

Hey growers! When diving into the world of cannabis cultivation, it's important to have a basic understanding of the different strains and their characteristics. In this post, we'll explain the differences between feminized and autoflowering seeds, and what makes Indica, Sativa, and Ruderalis. We'll also add other basic knowledge to help you get started.

Feminized vs. Autoflowering Seeds

Feminized seeds:

  • description: Feminized seeds are specifically bred to produce exclusively female plants. Female plants are the ones that produce the coveted flowers.
  • Advantages: No need to remove male plants, saving time and resources. Higher yields as all plants are female.
  • Disadvantages: May be slightly more expensive than regular seeds. Usually requires a change in light cycle to induce flowering (12 hours light, 12 hours dark).

Autoflowering seeds:

  • description: These seeds come from the Ruderalis genus and bloom automatically after a certain time, regardless of the light cycle.
  • Advantages: Easy to grow and ideal for beginners. Faster harvest times as plants typically mature within 8-10 weeks of germination.
  • Disadvantages: Yield and potency may be slightly lower than feminized seeds. Less control over growth phases.

Indica, Sativa and Ruderalis


  • origin: Originally from the mountainous regions of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
  • properties: Compact and bushy plants with broad leaves. Indicas are known for their calming and relaxing effects.
  • Medical application: Often used to relieve pain, insomnia and stress.


  • origin: Originates from tropical regions such as Thailand, Mexico and Colombia.
  • properties: Tall plants with narrow leaves. Sativas offer an energizing and creative effect.
  • Medical application: Commonly used to treat depression, fatigue and anxiety.


  • origin: Originates from the harsh climates of Russia and Central Asia.
  • properties: Small, sturdy plants that have autoflowering capabilities. Ruderalis is often crossed with Indica or Sativa to create autoflowering hybrids.
  • Medical application: Less common due to low THC content, but useful for autoflowering properties in hybrids.

More cannabis basics


  • description: Terpenes are the aromatic compounds that give different cannabis strains their unique smell and taste. They also play a role in what is known as the “entourage effect,” in which they modulate the effects of cannabinoids.
  • Examples: Myrcene (earthy, calming), limonene (citrusy, mood-enhancing), pinene (piney, anti-inflammatory).


  • THC (tetrahydrocannabinol): The main psychoactive component of cannabis that is responsible for the “high.”
  • CBD (cannabidiol): Non-psychoactive and known for its medicinal benefits such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory.

Cultivation techniques

  • SCROG (Screen of Green): A technique that uses a net to train plants to grow horizontally to maximize light output.
  • LST (Low Stress Training): A method in which plants are carefully bent and tied to control the direction of growth and improve light penetration.

Light cycles

  • Vegetative phase: Plants need 18-24 hours of light per day to grow vigorously.
  • Flowering phase: To induce flowering, change the light cycles to 12 hours light and 12 hours dark (for feminized and regular seeds).


A good understanding of the different cannabis strains and their characteristics is crucial for a successful grow. Whether feminized or autoflowering seeds, Indica, Sativa or Ruderalis, each strain has its own advantages and disadvantages that you should consider depending on your growing goals and conditions. Visit The Weezelto find the best seeds and accessories for your grow.

Happy Growing! 🌿💪

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