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Drying, Curing and Storing Cannabis After Harvest: A Comprehensive Guide

Hey growers! The harvest is complete and you have beautiful cannabis plants with full potential. The next step is crucial for the quality of your flowers: drying, curing and proper storage. In this post, you will learn everything you need to know to ensure that your harvest is treated optimally.

Drying cannabis

Why drying is important

Drying is the first step after harvesting and reduces the moisture content of the flowers. This prevents mold formation and prepares the flowers for curing.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Harvest preparation:

    • Cut off the branches with the flowers and remove the large leaves.
    • Hang the branches upside down on a clothesline or drying rack in the dark. Make sure the branches have enough space for air to circulate.
  2. Drying conditions:

    • Temperature: Keep the temperature between 18-22°C.
    • Humidity: Ideally between 45-55°C.
    • Darkness: Dry the flowers in a dark room to avoid the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes by light.
    • Air circulation: Use fans to improve air circulation, but avoid direct ventilation on the flowers.
  3. Duration:

    • Drying usually takes 7-14 days. Check the flowers regularly. They are dry enough when the small branches crack easily when bent.


  • Check regularly for mold growth.
  • Avoid high temperatures as they can break down the terpenes and cannabinoids.

Curing of cannabis

Why curing is important

Curing improves the taste, aroma and effects of cannabis. It allows the breakdown of chlorophyll and other undesirable substances while the flowers distribute their moisture evenly.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Preparation:

    • After drying, remove the remaining leaves (sugar leaves) and trim the flowers carefully.
  2. Filling glasses:

    • Place the dried flowers in airtight jars (mason jars are ideal). Fill the jars about 75% full to ensure enough air circulation.
  3. Storage:

    • Store the jars in a cool, dark place with a constant temperature of about 20°C.
  4. Ventilation:

    • Open the jars for 15-30 minutes daily for the first two weeks to let fresh air in and allow excess moisture to escape.
  5. Duration:

    • Curing should last at least 2-4 weeks. Longer curing (up to 6 months) can further improve the quality.


  • Check the flowers regularly for mold and moisture.
  • Use hygrometers to monitor the humidity in the jars (ideal are around 62%).

Storage of cannabis

Why proper storage is important

Proper storage prevents the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes and protects the flowers from mold and moisture.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Airtight containers:

    • Use airtight containers (e.g. mason jars) for long-term storage.
  2. Storage conditions:

    • Store the containers in a cool, dark place with constant temperature and humidity.
    • Avoid light, heat and humidity as these factors can affect the quality of the flowers.
  3. Humidity control:

    • Use humidistats such as Boveda packs to maintain constant relative humidity in containers (such as 62%).
  4. Periodic review:

    • Check the flowers regularly for signs of mold or moisture problems.


  • Label the containers with the harvest date and variety to keep track.
  • Avoid storing in plastic bags or containers as they can create static electricity and damage the trichomes.


Drying, curing and storing cannabis properly are crucial to the quality of your harvest. By carefully following these steps, you can ensure that your buds reach their full potential. Visit The Weezelto find the best seeds and accessories for your grow.

Happy Harvesting and Enjoy Your Buds! 🌿💪

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