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Everything about seedlings: cutting, processing, caring for and planting

Hey Growers! Cuttings (also called seedlings) are a great way to clone your favorite cannabis strains and quickly grow new plants. In this post, you'll learn how and when to cut, process, care for, and plant cuttings to get healthy and strong plants.

What are cuttings?

Cuttings are small shoots that are cut from a mother plant and grown into new, independent plants. This method is particularly popular because it retains the genetic characteristics of the mother plant and guarantees consistent quality.

When should you take cuttings?

The best time to take cuttings is during the vegetative phase of the mother plant. At this time, the plant is strong and healthy, which increases the chances of success for the cuttings. Avoid taking cuttings during the flowering phase, as this is when the plant will put its energy into flower production.

How do you take cuttings?

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Preparation: Make sure you use clean, sharp scissors or blades to avoid damaging the plant.
  2. Selection of shoots: Choose healthy, strong shoots from the mother plant. Shoots with at least 3-4 pairs of leaves are ideal.
  3. cut: Cut the shoot directly below a leaf node. The cut should be made at an angle to increase the root formation area.
  4. Remove leaves: Remove the lower leaves of the cutting so that the shoot can concentrate its energy on root formation.

How do you process cuttings?

  1. Immersion in rooting hormone: Dip the cut part of the cutting in a rooting hormone powder or solution to promote root formation.
  2. Planting: Place the cutting in a suitable medium such as peat, coco coir or rockwool. Make sure the medium is moist but not soggy.

Care of the cuttings

  1. humidity: Cuttings require high humidity to support rooting. Use a propagation box or plastic dome to increase humidity.
  2. temperature: Keep the temperature constant between 20-25°C. A heat mat can help keep the roots warm.
  3. lighting: Cuttings need light, but not direct sunlight. Place them under a fluorescent or LED grow light that is on for 18 hours a day.
  4. Air circulation: Ensure good ventilation to prevent mold growth. Open the grow box or plastic dome for a few minutes every day to let in fresh air.

Planting the rooted cuttings

  1. Preparation: Once the cuttings have developed roots (after about 1-2 weeks), they can be transplanted into larger pots or outdoors.
  2. Adjust: Acclimatize the cuttings by gradually removing the plastic dome and allowing them to get used to the new conditions.
  3. Planting: Plant the rooted cuttings in prepared pots with high-quality soil or in your hydroponic system. Water them well and make sure they receive enough light.

More tips

  • Choose healthy mother plants: Only healthy and strong mother plants produce strong and vital cuttings.
  • Avoid over-fertilization: Fertilizers can burn delicate cuttings. Use a light nutrient solution at first.
  • have patience: Root formation can take some time. Patience and careful care are the key to success.


Cutting, processing, caring for and planting cuttings takes some practice, but with the right techniques you can grow healthy and strong plants. Visit The Weezelto find the best seeds and accessories for your cultivation and successful cloning.

Happy Growing! 🌿💪

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