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Cannabis and pH: Why it's important and how to regulate it

Wieso der pH Wert so wichtig ist beim Cannabis Anbau und wie Du ihn regulieren kannst, lernst Du hier.
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Hey growers! The pH level is a crucial factor for the growth and health of your cannabis plants. In this article, you will learn why the pH level is so important, how it affects plant growth and how you can measure and regulate it.

How pH affects the growth and health of cannabis plants

The pH of the soil or nutrient solution affects the plant's ability to absorb nutrients. A pH that is outside the optimal range can cause important nutrients to be blocked and the plant to show signs of deficiency.

Optimal pH ranges for cannabis

  • Soil cultivation: The ideal pH for growing in soil is between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • Hydroponics: For hydroponic systems, the pH should be between 5.5 and 6.5.

Effects of incorrect pH

  • Nutrient blockage: If the pH is too low or too high, nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium cannot be properly absorbed.
  • Growth disorders: A suboptimal pH level can slow down the plant's growth and lead to stunted leaves and flowers.
  • Loss of income: Long-term pH problems can severely affect overall yield and crop quality.

Tips for measuring pH

Use a pH meter

A digital pH meter is accurate, inexpensive and easy to use. There are also pH test strips and pH test kits that can be a good alternative.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Calibrate: Calibrate your pH meter regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. Take a sample: Take a sample of the nutrient solution or soil. For soil, mix a small amount of soil with distilled water.
  3. Measure: Immerse the meter electrode in the sample and wait for the pH value to be displayed.

Use pH test strips

pH test strips are a cheaper and easier way to measure pH. However, they are less accurate than digital meters.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Take a sample: Take a sample of the nutrient solution or soil as described above.
  2. Testing: Dip the test strip into the sample and compare the color of the strip with the color scale on the package.

Tips for adjusting the pH value

Lower pH value

If the pH value is too high (alkaline), you can lower it with the following means:

  • pH down solutions: Special pH-lowering solutions that are commercially available.
  • citric acid: A natural and inexpensive method that can be used in small quantities.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar can also lower the pH value, but should be used sparingly and in emergencies.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Dosing: Add small amounts of the pH lowering agent to the nutrient solution or soil.
  2. Mix: Stir or shake the solution well.
  3. Measure: Check the pH again and repeat if necessary.

Increase pH value

If the pH value is too low (acidic), you can increase it with the following means:

  • pH-Up solutions: Special pH-increasing solutions that are commercially available.
  • baking powder: A simple method to increase the pH value, but should be dosed carefully.
  • Dolomite limestone: Particularly suitable for soil cultivation to stabilize the pH value in the long term.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Dosing: Add small amounts of the pH raising agent to the nutrient solution or soil.
  2. Mix: Stir or shake the solution well.
  3. Measure: Check the pH again and repeat if necessary.


The pH value is a crucial factor for the healthy growth and optimal nutrient uptake of your cannabis plants. By regularly measuring and adjusting the pH value, you can ensure that your plants grow healthy and strong. Visit our webshop to find the best Cannabis seeds and Cuttings for your cultivation.

Happy Growing! 🌿💪

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