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Guide: The best nutrients for your cannabis plants

Die Grundnährstoffe für Cannabispflanzen. Hier lernst Du, was Deine Pflanze braucht.
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Hello growers! Your cannabis plants need nutrients to grow big and strong. In this guide, you'll learn all about the best nutrients for each growth stage, the differences between organic and chemical fertilizers, and how to identify and fix nutrient deficiencies.

Basic nutrients: NPK

Cannabis plants require three main nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

  • Nitrogen (N): Important for the growth of leaves and stems. Especially in the vegetative phase.
  • Phosphorus (P): Promotes root development and flower formation. Important in the flowering phase.
  • Potassium (K): Strengthens the plant and helps with photosynthesis and water absorption.

Secondary nutrients

In addition to the main nutrients, cannabis plants also need calcium, magnesium and sulfur.

  • calcium: Important for the cell walls and stability of the plant.
  • magnesium: Central for chlorophyll production.
  • sulfur: Supports protein synthesis and overall growth.


These nutrients are needed in smaller amounts but are equally important:

  • iron
  • manganese
  • zinc
  • copper
  • boron
  • molybdenum

Organic vs. chemical fertilizers

Organic fertilizers


  • Environmentally friendly: They consist of natural materials such as compost, worm humus and bone meal.
  • Soil improvement: Organic fertilizers improve soil structure and promote microbiological activity.


  • Slow release: Nutrients are released more slowly, which requires long-term planning.
  • Difficult to dose: It can be difficult to control the exact amount of nutrients.

Chemical fertilizers


  • Immediate availability: Nutrients are immediately available to the plants, allowing for a rapid response.
  • Precise dosage: Easy to dose and control.


  • Environmental risks: Over-fertilization can lead to soil and water contamination.
  • Soil mining: Long-term use can deteriorate soil structure and affect microbial life.

How to identify and correct nutrient deficiencies

Nitrogen deficiency


Yellow leaves, starting on the older leaves, slowed growth


Use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer or organic sources such as blood meal or compost tea.

Phosphorus deficiency


Dark green or purple leaves, poor root development


Use a phosphorus-containing fertilizer such as bone meal or fish meal.

Potassium deficiency


Yellow or brown edges on the leaves, weak stems


Use a potassium-rich fertilizer such as potassium magnesium sulfate.

Calcium deficiency


Distorted or twisted new leaves, necrotic spots


Use calcium sources such as gypsum or calcium carbonate.

Magnesium deficiency


Yellow leaves with green veins (intervenous chlorosis), slow growth


Use Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) or dolomite lime.

Sulfur deficiency


Light green or yellow young leaves, delayed flowering.


Use sulfur sources such as gypsum or elemental sulfur.


With the right knowledge of nutrients and their application, you can ensure that your cannabis plants grow healthy and strong. Make sure to regularly check the condition of your plants and adjust the nutrient supply if necessary. For the best nutrients and accessories visit the WEEZEL building and keep your plants happy and healthy!

Happy Growing! 🌿💪

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