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The ultimate guide: How to grow cannabis seeds properly

Cannabis Samen keimen lassen - hier lernst Du wie.
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Hey plant lover! Are you ready to grow your own cannabis? Then you have come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide you will learn everything you need to know about germinating and growing Cannabis seeds need to know. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced gardener, there's something here for everyone. So let's get started!

Preparation: The first step to success

Before you germinate your seeds, you should make sure you have created the right conditions. Here are some important points:

  • Quality of seeds: Use only high quality seeds for best results. Check out our selection Cannabis seeds to ensure that you start with the best conditions.
  • cleanliness: Make sure all tools and materials are clean to avoid contamination.
  • Vicinity: Germination requires a warm and humid environment. A temperature of around 20-25°C is ideal.


Method 1: Germination in a glass of water

Germination in a glass of water is a simple and effective method to bring your seeds to life. At Weezelbau, we always start like this.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Fill a glass with lukewarm water.
  2. Place the seeds in the jar and let them soak for 24-48 hours.
  3. Watch the seeds swell and start to form small roots.
  4. Once the roots are about 2-3 mm long, transplant the seeds into soil or coconut padding.

Pro tip

Keep the jar in a warm and dark place to speed up germination. This method is ideal for beginners as it is easy to do and gives good results. The necessary germination pads are available in our Cannabis Seed Growing Kits already at.

Method 2: Germination in a kitchen towel

Germination in a kitchen towel is a proven method used by many experienced growers.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Place a damp kitchen towel on a plate.
  2. Spread the seeds evenly on the kitchen towel.
  3. Cover the seeds with another damp kitchen towel.
  4. Place the plate in a warm and dark place.
  5. Check regularly to make sure the cloths remain moist. After 2-7 days, the seeds should start to germinate.

Pro tip

Use distilled water to ensure that no contaminants interfere with germination. This method gives you good control over the moisture content and allows you to closely monitor germination. It is important to keep an eye on the young roots here. If they "grow" into the kitchen towel, the root may be disturbed or torn when you lift it.

Method 3: Germination with coconut pads

Coconut germination pads are a great way to germinate your seeds in a nutrient-rich and well-ventilated environment.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Soak the coconut expansion pads in water until they are completely swollen.
  2. Place one seed in each hole in the center of the pad.
  3. Keep the pads moist, but not too wet.
  4. Place the pads in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  5. After a few days the seeds should germinate and form small roots.

Pro tip

Coconut padding is particularly environmentally friendly and offers excellent air circulation, which promotes root development. This method is ideal for growers who value sustainability.

The next phase: transplanting and care

Once your seeds have germinated, it's time to transplant them and ensure proper care.

  • Earth: Use high-quality potting soil or special cannabis soil. You can find out whether a hydroponic system makes more sense for you in our article Hydroponics vs. soil cultivation find out.
  • lighting: Make sure your plants get enough light. An LED grow light can be very helpful here.
  • irrigation: Keep the soil moist, but avoid waterlogging. Water regularly, but in moderation. optimal irrigation techniques for cannabis plants can also be found in our journal. Also pay attention to the correct pH value.
  • nutrient: Provide your plants with the necessary nutrients to promote healthy growth. Be careful not to over-fertilize. You can find more information in our Nutrient Guide.

Common problems and solutions

When growing cannabis, problems can arise from time to time. How you Avoid the most common mistakes when growing cannabis We have summarized the most common challenges for you in detail. Here are some tips on how to overcome the most common challenges:

  • Mold: Ensure good ventilation and avoid excessive humidity.
  • Pests: Check your plants regularly for pests and if necessary environmentally friendly pesticides a.
  • Nutrient deficiency: Watch for signs of nutrient deficiency (e.g. yellow leaves) and adjust your fertilizer application accordingly.
  • We have listed common diseases and pests, as well as solutions for you in the article Diseases and pests in cannabis cultivation collected.

Your path to successful cannabis cultivation

With these tips and methods, you are well equipped to successfully germinate and grow your cannabis seeds. Whether you choose the method with a glass of water, a kitchen towel or coconut pad - with the right preparation and care, nothing stands in the way of a successful harvest.

Don’t forget to check back regularly Weezelbau to find the best seeds and accessories. Good luck and happy growing!

Stay green and grow strong! 🌿💪

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