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Growing cannabis in small spaces: Maximising yield in a small space

Wie Du Deinen Ernte Ertrag auf kleinem Raum optimierst verraten wir Dir hier
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Hey growers! Do you have limited space for growing cannabis? Don't worry, with the right tips and tricks you can achieve impressive yields even in a small space. In this article you will learn how to make the most of your limited space and which strains and techniques are best suited.

Tips and tricks to make the most of limited space

Choose compact varieties

Choose varieties that stay small and compact but still produce high yields. Autoflowering- and Indica-dominant strains are often ideal for small cultivation areas.

Leveraging vertical growth

Make the most of the vertical space in your growing area. Install shelves or vertical systems to create multiple levels for your plants. Hang lights from the ceiling and use hanging pots to make better use of space.

Apply training techniques

Training techniques like LST (Low-Stress Training), ScrOG (Screen of Green) and Topping help you control plant growth and maximize light distribution.

  • LST (Low Stress Training): Bend and tie the shoots of your plants to encourage flatter, bushier growth. This technique improves light penetration and increases yield.
  • ScrOG (Screen of Green): Stretch a net over your plants and guide the shoots through the net to achieve even light distribution. Ideal for small spaces as it limits vertical growth and encourages lateral spread.
  • Topping: Cut the tops of plants to encourage the growth of multiple main stems. This can reduce the height of the plants and increase yields.

Optimal lighting

In small spaces, lighting is crucial. Use LED bulbs as they give off less heat and are energy efficient. Make sure the light source is close enough to the plants to ensure optimal illumination, but not so close that it burns the plants.

Reflective materials

Cover the walls of your grow room with reflective materials like Mylar or white paint to distribute light evenly and maximize lighting efficiency.

Ensure air circulation

Good air circulation is important to prevent mold and Pests Use small fans to keep the air moving and install exhaust systems to remove stale air and supply fresh air.

Hydroponic systems

Hydroponic systems can be a space-saving alternative to traditional soil cultivation. They offer precise control over nutrient supply and promote faster growth.

Suitable varieties and techniques


  • Autoflowering strains: These varieties are ideal for small spaces as they bloom regardless of the light cycle and remain compact.
  • Indica-dominant strains: Indicas tend to be smaller and bushier than sativas, making them ideal for small growing spaces.


  • LST (Low Stress Training): Promotes flat, bushy growth and improves light distribution.
  • ScrOG (Screen of Green): Limiting vertical growth and promoting lateral spread.
  • Topping: Increases the number of main shoots and reduces the height of the plants.


Even in a small space, you can achieve impressive yields if you use the right techniques and choose appropriate strains. With a little planning and the right tools, you can make the most of your growing space and grow healthy, high-yielding plants. Visit our seed shopto find the best seeds and accessories for your project.

Happy Growing! 🌿💪

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